I am a Constant Contact Certified Partner.  I love Constant Contact.  With Constant Contact you can not only market via email, text, and social media, but you can also create landing pages, opt-in forms, and much more.  I offer different levels of service depending how much you want me to create and manage for you, or if you want to do it all I can help you get set up with your own Constant Contact account.  See my offerings below and see what is right for your business needs.  If you want to discuss the options, click here to schedule a complimentary meeting and let's see what the best route is to help you succeed.


Done for You (DFY)

Your busy starting and/or running your business.  I get it!  You have enough to do without having to worry about all the advertising and marketing options and chores.  With the DFY service, you provide your basic information and tell me what your goals are and where you want your main focus to be.  Then I go to work.  I'll create and set up your Constant Contact account.  I'll create and/or connect your chosen social media platforms.  I'll set up your SMS connection for text marketing. And I'll set up your email marketing.  We'll agree on a marketing schedule and I'll create and post or send content based on choices you want to use. Pricing varies depending upon content and number of posts.  


Done With You (DWY)

DWY is similar to DFY except you are doing more of the work.  Perhaps you want to create the newsletter or social media content and have me schedule the posts and emails.  Or maybe you want me to create content for you then you do the scheduling and sending.  Maybe you want to do the work but have me just check it out before you post or send. 


Done By You  (DBY)

If marketing is your thing and you just want to get set up with Constant Contact, click here.  You can sign up for a FREE trial or your can get a discount by signing up NOW!  Constant Contact has great customer support and resources to help you get up and running quickly.  If you're overwhelmed by some of the big name CRM's and want to get back to simple and efficient, try Constant Contact.

Are you looking for someone to create articles and content for your site, your email or social media campaigns, etc.  Whether you use Constant Contact or any other CRM or marketing software, I can create content for you to put into your campaigns and blogs.  Click here to schedule a meeting to discuss your content and copywriting needs.

Spelling matters!  Word choice matters!

Having misspelled words can change the meaning of your content or, at the very least make you look unprofessional.  It can give potential clients and customers the impression that you don't care about your work.  If you don't care enough about your content, are you going to be careless in your work?  Or maybe your customer service will show an uncaring attitude also.  A second set of eyes looking at your content may often see things you missed.  When you create content, you know what you wanted to put in that content.  When you look over your work you may miss errors because your brain defaults to what it thought you wanted to say.  Click here to schedule a meeting to discuss your proofreading needs.

Do you spend a lot of money on advertising to get new customers?  Once you get those customers, don't you want to keep them?

I have found that many businesses think they have good customer service.  Unfortunately, quite a few don't.  Worse than that, some businesses don't really know what good customer service is.  They think because someone smiles and says "thank you," that qualifies as good customer service.  WRONG!

You can't just say you have good customer service and expect people to believe it's so.  And you can't just tell your employees to give good customer service, you have to train them on how you want your customers treated.  It has to be part of your policies.  Do not assume that your employees know how to provide excellent customer service.

I provide various levels of customer service training, online or in person.  Not sure how good your customer service is?  I offer a Customer Service Evaluation  for $395 which will be credited towards a complete training if you choose to move forward with me.  Find out if your customer service is as good as you think it is.  Keep those customers that you've already paid for.  Keeping existing customers costs much less than gaining new customers.  Click here to schedule a meeting today!